In addition to our primary numbers with +372 country code, we can provide numbers for the USA (+1) and UK (+44). More to come! We also offer more than one number in one sim card!
Local toll-free numbers are also available so that callers in your home countries can reach BgloSim users without directly dialing the +372 country code.
- Australia 1800424087
- Australia 1800426571
- Austria 0800295331
- Brazil 8000385084
- Cyprus 80096439
- France 0800910659
- Germany 08001816273
- Greece 80016122057807
- Hong Kong 800967359
- Israel 1809246071
- Mexico City 525547772326
- New Zealand 0800449302
- Russia 81080028741012
- Spain 900967051
- Switzerland 0800802452
- US/Canada 18889354312
- USA 1212999667